How Can You Respond to "Why is Wedding Photography So Expensive"?
Summary: Here's a common complaint about wedding photography: "Why is it so expensive?" As professional photographers, how do you tackle question like this? If you need some suggestions, we've got you covered.
“Why is wedding photography so expensive?”
“Your Prices are TOO HIGH!”
“You’re only there for a few hours! How can you charge that MUCH for a few photos?”
As a wedding photographer, you may encounter these angry and sometimes a bit defensive questions from time to time. If you respond with “we’ve been in this business for years” or “we are less expensive than other photographers” or even “you just get what you pay for,” believe me or not, you just turn your clients away. Will you work out if you explain how advanced the lens you use or how time-consuming the photo process could be? Probably not.

In digital age, everyone has a DSLR and some smartphones can take better pictures than camera. But the funny fact is not everyone is good at using it. So as long as your photographs are worth premium rate, you don’t need to waste your time defending pricing. Some people truly will not be able to afford you, and those are NOT your potential clients. Let me ask you a question: Do people ever walk into a Porsche dealership and complaint the prices are too high?

Once you google it, you can find out that millions of people are seeking for cheap wedding photography all corners of the Web. I hold the faith that “you get what you pay for” all the time. Rather than haggle over every penny with clients, it’s more important to make sure you offer the perfect service, which is worthwhile for customers to pay such a great deal. We should more focus on offering value-added service to clients, and dedicate to make their wedding photograph something that they can reminisce for the rest of their life.

As most of the wedding photographs that never get printed, you can display them in other ways. AmoLink, the powerful photo storyteller, can be your great helper. You can handpick several fine photos of a wedding, and create a unique photo slideshow with music just online. In this way, you can tell a complete wedding story through your compelling photos. A link will be generated when you finish a photo show design, and then you can share the fabulous work to your clients simply with a link. I believe that no couples will say no to such fantastic wedding show, and they definitely would love to share it on Facebook, Twitter... Virtually, you get more engagement on social media.
Recently, online gallery is a popular choice, for newlyweds can quickly download high-resolution images. Some photographer also take it as a way to refresh wedding moments for guests, however, who bothers to take time viewing hundreds of pictures ? With AmoLink, your clients get a new way to share their big day happiness with family and friends, which is equal to word-of-mouth marketing for you. By the way, your prospects maybe just among the people who received it.

Posting photographs on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is a common way to pull in business leads. But simply displaying wedding photos one by one is boring, you should try something new to grab more attentions. Take Instagram as an example. People tend to share their best pictures on Instagarm, but what a single picture can tell is limited. Using AmoLink, you are able to create a comprehensive portrait of wedding moments. Instead of the typical jumble of different photos on Instagram, you can add the link of wedding photo slideshow to your posts. So potential clients can have a general idea about how the photography coverage will be like.

There’s no doubt that it can be a value-added service for your clients. Let alone it could be a convincing beat back to the questioning of high rate. If online wedding photo slideshow hasn’t been included in your wedding photography packages yet, try AmoLink now.